Monday, October 4, 2010


Oh, and in case you're wondering why it has been so long between posts, I had 4 cutovers in 4 weeks for SAP systems at work. For the uninitiated, that means I slept at the office on more than one night, and worked multiple 24 hour days -- sometimes in a row.


  1. i hear you are selling your aerorider
    i am intersted but I live in Australia
    Can you send it to Oz?

  2. Chad,
    Is this the right forum to ask questions and discuss what you have learned? I have been exploring, looking for the right vehicle for years. I started looking at various electric cars, but those options are either $30K+ for something like the Leaf or Volt, or $15K for an NEV that can only be a *third* car with my family needs. I came across the Aerorider, and actually talked to Bart in Holland. Essentially, I am looking for the least vehicle to move my body 4 miles to work, stay dry in Seattle, and cope with Seattle hills. Lately I've been test riding Trikes like the Scorpion, etc. considering electrifying one with a light weight faring. As an Architect, the Aerorider is the only thing close to what I want that meets my design critique, tho it is a bit heavy. I'm searching for the sweet spot. If you care to discuss this, email me at John Koppe LEED AP
